Jefferson County Art Guild is dedicated to bringing local artists together in order to bring art to the community. We meet 6 times per year. We challenge and encourage each other in a friendly group setting. The meetings usually include an attendance prize, voting on the current challenge, light refreshments and a guest demonstration.
Feel free to attend a meeting as our guest--- and bring a friend. You will find our 2024 meeting dates and time under the Meetings tab.
Our artists are gifted in many areas of the Arts; painting (oil, watercolor, acrylic, mixed media), photography, pottery, pastels, and woodworking.
If you have visited our site in search of art for your home or office please take a few minutes to browse through works of our talented members.
For additional information about Jefferson County Art Guild, please e-mail Sonja Ecton at
sonjaecton@yahoo.com or call (636) 209-8288
For submissions or corrections to this website, please contact Marti Idlet at mi8948@aol.com or call (314) 223-3837